
Using OSGI To Load A Conflicting Jar Into Lucee Server

Posted by Brad Wood
Sep 21, 2018 07:24:00 UTC

This post falls in the category of something that took me several hours to figure out and other people are not likely to figure it out on their own and I'm likely to forget it if I don't write it down!  The problem is if you have a jar file with some 3rd party library that you want to use in Lucee.  Often times this works great, but other times the dependencies of that library may conflict with other jars already loaded into the classpath for Lucee, its bundled libs, or the servlet container. 

Using Adobe cf_scripts in CommandBox behind IIS/Boncode

Posted by Brad Wood
Jul 11, 2018 06:34:00 UTC

This post falls in the category of something I hammered out for a client today and I thought to myself, "Wow, that's just obscure enough that no one would probably figure it out on their own."  As such, I figured I'd put it into a blog post for Google to index and for me to point people to in the future.

If you use any of the CF UI tags, CFChart, CFForm, or CFAjax functionality, then you need to have some web accessible JS, CSS, etc files for it to function.  In older versions of CF, this was under the /CFIDE folder which wasn't very cool since it made it harder to block access to that folder by default.  On the most recent versions of Adobe CF, you can hit it as /cf_scripts and the IIS connector has a built in handler that passes those requests through.  

Why Is Lucee So Much Better At Handling JSON?

Posted by Brad Wood
Sep 14, 2017 22:09:00 UTC

There was a Twitter conversation today where Ben Nadel mentioned that one of the continuing issues with ColdFusion was bad JSON support.  I assume by that, he's referring to CF's tendency to change the datatype of variables while serializing them. I mentioned that Lucee Server has much better support for this and I'd like to show very quickly why this is.

A Peek Inside the New TestBox Watch Command

Posted by Brad Wood
May 08, 2017 18:37:00 UTC

So this is a short one to just showcase how one of our new features in the CommandBox 3.7 beta works.  What does it do?  The new command is testbox watch and it will stay running in the foreground and monitor your app for any file changes.  When a file change it detected, it runs your tests from the console and outputs the results so you can get instant feedback on save as to whether you just broke something.

Why writing CLI scripts in CommandBox is better than Node

Posted by Brad Wood
Mar 03, 2017 06:47:00 UTC

So this post is a response to some blog comments on this post I made today extolling the features of creating native CLI scripts in CFML with CommandBox.  I mentioned in passing that Node is a popular tool for this, but I felt CommandBox had improved the mousetrap so to speak. I also acknowledged by bais as the lead developer of CommandBox, but I stand by my comments. Adam Cameron, in his eternal quest to keep me honest was a little incredulous though, and wanted to see some better proof of my claims.  Instead of elaborating in the comment section, and since I'm well into the "opinion" territory, I decided to respond in a blog post on my personal blog.  

Using a ForgeBox Playground with CommandBox

Posted by Brad Wood
Feb 02, 2017 20:09:00 UTC

Here's a quick post on a somewhat-undocumented feature of CommandBox.  I say "somewhat" because if you type "config set" and hit tab from the interactive shell, we'll auto-suggest this setting, so it's not impossible to find but I've not put it in the official docs.

So, here's the setup.  You can pretty much do anything you want with the ForgeBox website entirely through the CLI.  That includes creating accounts, logging in, publishing packages, updating packages, listing packages, and searching packages.  This is made possible by our nice (Coldbox-powered) REST API that's part of the ForgeBox site that the CLI interfaces with.  

Sometimes you may wish to play around and try out the commands to create users and packages, but you hate to create a lot of dummy data that clogs up the database or shows on your profile.  The fix is to point your local CommandBox CLI over to our staging instance of ForgeBox.  This is as simple as setting a single config setting from the command line and the change takes instant effect for all your ForgeBox interactions.  Just remember, this setting is remembered until you change it back so don't forget.  

Who's Had More Vulns Redux- PHP, Java, ColdFusion, ROR, or .NET?

Posted by Brad Wood
Aug 31, 2016 15:33:00 UTC

Adobe released some new security updates for ColdFusion 10 and 11 yesterday.  This brought with it the usual flurry of twitter activity from security-minded accounts who pounce on the opportunity to retweet every vuln report on the internet.  It's too bad no one takes this much effort to focus on positive news from other languages.  Among the landslide of tweets were also a few people poking at ColdFusion such as this person who went as far as to say businesses should scrap all use of Adobe products in general due to the number of vulnerabilities.

CommandBox Multi-Server Support Now In Beta (v3.1.0)

Posted by Brad Wood
May 04, 2016 20:59:00 UTC

I've been just giddy testing the new Multi-server support in our latest CommandBox 3.1.0 beta.  I never knew starting up a ColdFusion 9 server could be so exciting.  Well it is when you just have to type:

CommandBox> start [email protected]

That's it. You don't need a single thing installed prior other than CommandBox.  Everything necessary will be downloaded and, depending on your internet connection speeds, you'll have a new server running in less than 60 seconds.  Don't worry, it's not limited to ColdFusion 9.  We also are supporting Adobe ColdFusion 10, 11, and 2016 as well as Railo Server 4.2 and Lucee Server 5.0 rc!

Exciting New Features In The CommandBox 3.1.0 Bleeding Edge

Posted by Brad Wood
Apr 29, 2016 05:03:00 UTC
Hi all, we've been hard at work on ForgeBox 2.0 and the corresponding CommandBox CLI features that focus on your productivity in publishing packages and keeping them up to date as well as tracking all the versions of your dependencies.
For starters, the ForgeBox 2.0 isn't published yet in production.  If you download the bleeding edge of CommandBox (3.1.0) you will be pointing to our stage server.  it's a recent backup of production data, but since the new ForgeBox site is a rewrite on top of an updated data structure, it needs to be a separate database.  So, feel free to use it, but remember you're not going to be installing or publishing to the live ForgeBox site yet until we roll out this release.

State of the CF Union 2016 Survey results are in

Posted by Brad Wood
Feb 24, 2016 09:50:00 UTC

Michael Smith has released the full results of this year's State of the CF Union survey over on the TeraTech blog.  I enjoy seeing this data every year as a framework author since it helps us know what engines and types of OS to target with our products.  This year, there's a full write up and a little commentary on each graph.  Note the write up is spread across two blog entries:

Notable bits of data were:

  • CF9 is finally falling behind CF10 and CF11.  This is good since we'll be dropping support for CF9 in ColdBox soon
  • Lucee has left Railo usage in the dust, and a solid amount of people are already using Lucee 5
  • Still a lot of people out there using no framework at all or FuseBox!  Of course, I assume this isn't new dev, but rather the same old legacy apps that have been around for years
  • A lot of people not using a DI framework. Kind of curious if they're not using CFCs at all.
  • Really surprised how many people still use Notepad++ for dev.  
  • The "How many years have you used CFML" graph is very depressing.  Very little new blood coming into CFML.
  • Love how many people are using CommandBox.  I'm so pleased to see it being useful for the CF world
  • A decent chunk of Amazon EC2 users, but it's clear most CF shops aren't doing cloud deploys. Not sure if Adobe doesn't focus on cloud because their users don't care, or if it's the other way around.
  • Surprised to see how many home-grown REST frameworks there are. I can't imagine a world in which you wouldn't waste more time doing that from scratch than to drop in something quick and easy like ColdBox 4's REST routing.  There's so much out of the box to be gained.
  • There's a decent chunk of CF devs in very large companies, but the majority are in small business's with 1-20 total employees.  That's interesting since it's not where I would have pegged most CF devs to be.
  • The comments are very interesting too.  Lots of love for Lucee and lots of frustration for Adobe.  

OK, well there's my thoughts. Head over and check out the data yourself. 

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