What Languages Did You Use This Year? (Vote For CFML)

What Languages Did You Use This Year? (Vote For CFML)

Posted by Brad Wood
Dec 30, 2014 23:27:00 UTC

There's an interesting project going on over at code2014.com to see what languages were used the most this year.  Now, I have to preface this by saying that I generally dislike these sort of popularity contests.  They give the appearance of something statistical, but only represent a subset of the population that's exposed to them and bothers to vote.  Perhaps I'm also just bitter since CFML seems to get shafted by a lot of these sort of things.  (See the Tiobe index for details)

But nonetheless, I've thought a lot recently about the declining mindshare of CFML in the eyes of other developers (or the complete lack of knowledge of it in some cases).  This is easily evidenced by attending a non-CFML conference and telling people that you're a ColdFusion programmer and observing the disbelieving stares.  So, I think it's in our best interests to increase the presence of CFML on the Internet in circles outside of ours where we all know it's a great, modern language used by many.  It's honestly hard to blame people for asking if anyone still uses CFML when they literally haven't heard a mention of it in 5 years.  News like the recent addition of Railo to Bitnami was huge for CFML and I was happy to see the CFML community gathered and voted it straight to the top for the entire month.

So, go vote.  Right now. it's easy, just Tweet out the names of all the languages you've used this year with the hashtag #code2014 somewhere in the message.  At first, they didn't even have ColdFusion or CFML on the list, but were quick to add it after several people on the Internet brought it up.  I'm unclear on whether they're counting "CFML" or "ColdFusion" so you might add both just for good measure. 


Update, Hybrid group confirmed they are looking for both CFML and ColdFusion in their search:



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Chris Geirman

Good call, Brad! I relate to your stories of disbelieving faces and it would be good for the collective "us" to bring more awareness to CFML/ColdFusion. It's also been interesting to see what other languages CFML developers work with. Thanks!


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