I will be presenting on how to get started using Couchbase for caching and NoSQL at a TeraTech webinar next month.  Couchbase is an up-and-coming server that mixes caching capabilities with a NoSQL JSON document store.  It has excellent performance and the best clustering/sharding/failover setup I've seen.  I'll be demoing the brand new CFML SDK for Couchbase as well as the Ortus Railo Extension.  Here's the session description.


nteractive applications have changed dramatically over the last 15 years. Today, they must support millions of users simultaneously and downtime is no longer acceptable. Three mega trends – Big Data, Big Users, and Cloud Computing – are driving the adoption of NoSQL technology over traditional relational SQL.

NoSQL document stores are reinventing the way we design our databases and cache layers. Couchbase open source server is a unique database with unparalleled performance, automatic replication and failover. 
In this webinar:

  • how document databases differ from the traditional RDBMS
  • the benefits and tradeoffs they bring to the table
  • a hands-on look at the new CFCouchbase CFML SDK
  • native caching and session persistence via the Railo Couchbase Extension.
  • Q&A

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