CommandBox Preso and Slides for the Online ColdFusion Meetup

CommandBox Preso and Slides for the Online ColdFusion Meetup

Posted by Brad Wood
Oct 02, 2014 19:40:00 UTC

Thanks to Charlie Arehart and the Online ColdFusion Meetup for letting me present on CommandBox. Here is the recording URL:

Connect Recording

And here is the slide deck:

CommandBox - Brad Wood.pdf


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roger tubby

I tried several ways to listen to this presso (XP/Win7 - Firefox/Chrome) but all of them complained about me needing the latest version of Flash.

While I've tried to block Flash in the past for many good security reasons, I thought I had opened it up for this presentaion.

Is there any noises about moving to HTML5 or some other less vulnerable technology from within Adobe? I can understand if not.

Brad Wood

Hi Roger, sorry you're having issues watching the recording. I don't know what Adobe's plans regarding Connects support of HTML5 are. It looks like the video is already uploaded to Vimeo so you should be able to watch (or download) it there:

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