Coming To dev.Objective()? Attend My Sessions!
I'm super excited for dev.Objective() coming up in a week. I originally only had one dev.Objective() session, but due to a cancellation I was able to get a second. My first session will be
This will be similar to what I gave at CF Summit last year, but with a lot of new and exciting additions. If you're not familiar with CommandBox or not using it, this will be a great session to get started with.
My second session (the late addition) is
A Raspberry Pi is a $35 credit card-sized computer that runs Linux. I have been playing around with running CFML on a Pi which has resulted in a Pi-hosted CFML blog as well as some fun CFML-controlled hardware. I'll be showing how to easily and quickly get CFML running a Pi as well as demoing some of my projects.
Ortus will also be giving away a Raspberry Pi at our booth during dev.Objective() so please stop by. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!
Neo Ramos
Hi Brad,
RASPBERRY PI A LA CFML link is not working. Very interesting that you are able to run CFML on a Raspberry Pi.
Thank you. Neo
Brad Wood
Sorry Neo, it looks like those pages have been removed from the conference site now that it is over. If you're still interested in resources on running CFML on a Pi, check out my slide deck here: Also, I can't guarantee I'll keep this site up forever, but here is an actual blog running CFML on a Raspberry Pi: