Coder's Revolution Is Now Running ContentBox CMS
I am proud to have finally brought my blog into the new age my converting from BlogCFC which served me well for many years to ContentBox Modular CMS. Other than a few case-sensitivity glitches moving my database from a Windows backup to my Linux server, it went very well. Contentbox has a built-in BlogCFC converter which is very nice and pulled across all my content, categories, comments, users, etc in just a minute or so. I also wrote a simple open source module for ContentBox which will support the old BlogCFC-style links to entries, pages, and RSS feeds so old links will still work. I am using Computer Know How's Bootswatch Theme.
Both the URL compatibility module and the Bootswatch theme are available on ForgeBox and can be installed directly from the ContentBox admin with the click of a button. This is part of why ContentBox is so advanced and extensible. Hopefully I'll blog a bit more now that I've got all the new ContentBox features. I know I still need to do some cleanup on the code formatting in some of my entries. If you see any broken links for functionality, please let me know so I can take a look and fix it.
Looks good Brad! Now I need to get off my butt and do the same ;)
Brad Wood
Thanks Joel. It's like ripping a bandaid off, it hurts a little, but afterwards you wonder why you waited so darn long to do it :)
Andrew Scott
Looking good.