As BoxLang (our new CF-compatible JVM language) nears its final release, we're very pleased to announce that Query of Query support is ready for testing!  QoQ often times draws a variety of reactions from people, but it's a really nice feature to run any SQL select you want against 1 or more in-memory queries for the purpose of filtering, aggregating, or joining.  One of the biggest complains is performance, which is why I've performed 2 round of performance enhancements to Lucee's QoQ support in the past which I detailed here and here.

Building on the knowledge and experience I got from overhauling Lucee's QoQ, I incorporated those lessons into the architecture of every part of BoxLang's query object, and QoQ implementation.  I'm pleased to have a fully-functional 100% Java implementation of QoQ which supports everything Adobe and Lucee QoQ supports and much more.  We're not using an HSQLDB fallback-- everything is pure Java and super optimized.  I was able to make some big architectural changes since this was being built from the ground-up.