Review: Free Server alerts with

Review: Free Server alerts with

Posted by Brad Wood
Jul 11, 2008 22:09:00 UTC
Last week I saw a blog entry talking about the free server monitoring at so I figured I would give it a spin.They offer the following types of alerts:
  • dns -- Checks that your nameservers are online and responding to requests
  • ping -- Checks that your network is up and your server is responding to pings.
  • mysql -- Confirms your database is available and can be connected to-- does NOT authenticate
  • http/web basic -- Hits you web server and confirms that it gets a response.
  • http with keyword -- Same as http/web basic, but it searches for a particular keyword on your site.
Pretty basic, but effective. Signup was a fairly painless one-step process. (I ran into a JavaScript bug). I opted for the http with keyword option and made a simple probe.cfm page that hits the database and runs a couple ColdFusion commands in a try catch. If there is no error, it outputs "server is up", otherwise the catch outputs "all your base are belong to us". Pros
  • Free
  • Simple
  • Appears to work when I tested it.
  • Supports E-mail, Twitter, and Jabber alerts for free
  • Has some cool graphs that show the history of your servers uptime as well as each outage.
  • Allows multiple monitors on the same account (infinite?)
  • Site is ugly
  • Site is slower that cold molasses flowing uphill in January
  • They claim to ping you every 15 minutes, but every hour is more like it
  • If you want SMS alerts you have to pay for the $20/month
Overall, I think I'm going to give them B-. They get docked mostly for the slow website and slow ping times. I would recommend them if you just want a general purpose monitor for you blog site or something. If you want to monitor a site that actually makes money I would opt for something with a much faster response time. (It usually takes about an hour to get my notification after my site goes down.)


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Charlie Arehart

Hey Brad, if you'd like to find some more site uptime monitoring tools, I list several at:

This is just one of over 100 categories of tools and resources of interest to CFers, and it's just one of several other closely related monitoring categories at:

I didn't have servermojo so just added that. Thanks for sharing it.

Brad Wood

Thanks for the heads-up, Charlie. That's a great list!

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