My first hour on the World Wide Web
Posted by
Brad Wood
Aug 18, 2008 07:09:00 UTC
Today over lunch I was recounting my first hour on the World Wide Web. I was in middle school (I'm 28 now) and we had visited a friend's house. He told me if I was good he would give me one free hour on The Web.Ahh, it was a simpler time. Most of his programs were run from DOS with batch files. Windows was still at version 3, and he most certainly paid by the hour for his dial up. If I recall, we only hit about 3 pages before Netscape ran out of memory (all 8 megs) and crashed. This was around the time I got started with Logo. Gosh, the memories. :) Thanks for getting me hooked on the Internet Chuck. Rest In Peace.
Tags: General, Technology
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