I'm Gainfully Employed Again
Posted by
Brad Wood
Sep 17, 2008 22:13:00 UTC
In a weird and monetarily lacking way, I enjoyed the extra free time lately after being laid off. I feel like I have finally gotten out a rut. After a month-long hiatus from full time employment I have accepted a position at a Kansas City company called National Seminars doing ColdFusion and SQL development. We hope to add in some Flex as well soon. My first day was last Friday.This job should be a fun experience. The core of their data storage in an AS400 mainframe with RPG pushing the info around. The website uses several MS SQL Server databases which are regularly populated with data from the main frame. There are a whole bunch of opportunities for improving the code-base and adding new functionality to the site. Best of all, my friend and previous co-worker is coming on board too so the good times will continue to roll.
Thank you for those of you who helped me find a position. Big props go to my local user group, KCDevCore and our manager Jim Pickering. I owe my job in large part to the contacts he introduced me to this month.
Tags: General
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Congrats! :) My own employment problems continue... but it's always good to see that others aren't having the kind of problems I'm having... I wouldn't wish these problems on a terrorist.
Congrats. I've done a lot of CF & AS/400 work before. It'd be interesting to know how other companies are handling the data. Are you using JDBC drivers direct to the AS/400 files or are you using webservices or the java API to talk to the AS/400?
Dave DuPlantis
I know the feeling ... I was out of work for about three months earlier this year. I was fortunate enough to get a nice severance package, so from a financial perspective, I only missed a month or so.
I really enjoyed the free time - maybe a bit too much - but eventually I had too much of it. My new job is working out pretty well for me now. I hope yours does too.
Matt Jones
Brad Wood
@David: It appears we are using an IBM ODBC driver to query against the AS400. None of the CF stuff is directly hitting the '400 right now though. It appears they are using RPG to generate flat text files which are then imported into SQL Server via DTS or they are using some .NET webservices they have written to get the data into SQL Server.