Great Developer Resource: CF411
Posted by
Brad Wood
Feb 19, 2009 08:04:00 UTC
This is a reminder of a great developer resource right here in our community. If you ever find yourself looking for a list of blog aggregators, hosting providers, job listings, code formatters, database tools, cf tools, editors, debuggers, time tracking apps or anything vaguely related to programming, you don't need to look much farther thanCharlie Arehart's He's got a regularly updated list of everything you could ever want that he's been maintaining since 2002.
Also, check out Charlie's UGTV where there is a list of over 350 user group presentations listed for you to view any time you wish.
Tags: ColdFusion, General
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Charlie ArehartTha
Hey Brad, I just came upon this. Thanks so much for the kind regards.
Hey, one reason I found it is that I happened to be visiting your site to check out the various blog entries you've done over the years related to CF server troubleshooting, to add to yet another new resource I've created,, which is a sister to the CF411 site (focused on tools and resources of general interest to CFers). is focused instead on CF server troubleshooting, and one of the most substantial resources there already (and growing) is a wiki I've created, which I'll use to organize information around this broad (yet specific) topic of CF server troubleshooting. Sometimes a page will have information on a topic, and I plan to expand that over time.
But mostly (for now, and perhaps most valuable for many) I'm using to be a one-stop shop repository to catalog all the many (many) great blog entries, articles, and presentations that people (like yourself) have done over the years, but broken down into a few dozen targetted categories related to CF server troubleshooting.
I figured you'd like to hear about it, as a fellow troubleshooter and one who likes sharing knowledge with people--and not just because I am incorporating links to some of your topics. :-) I will be spreading the word still more in time, and to others.
But in the meantime, feel free to spread the word if you'd like, or just take advantage of the resource if/when you may benefit! Keep up the good work.