BlogCFC Code Formatting Not Thread Safe (With Example)

BlogCFC Code Formatting Not Thread Safe (With Example)

Posted by Brad Wood
Dec 04, 2009 00:58:00 UTC
I found an interesting little bug in the BlogCFC implementation of ColdFISH today. ColdFISH is a ColdFusion code formatting component that is instantiated once and cached as a singleton in the application scope in BlogCFC. The problem is, ColdFISH looks like it wasn't intended to be used as a singleton. It makes use of the variables scope to store the Java StringBuffer class it uses to gather up your formatted code as well as a number of other variables used to parse the code it is formatting. This means when two or more people hit a BlogCFC entry with larger code samples, race conditions exists.I see three ways around this:
  1. ColdFISH gets re-factored to use only locally varred variables to format code.
  2. BlogCFC creates a NEW instance of the ColdFISH component for every request.
  3. BlogCFC forces all code formatting to be single-threaded by useing named locks around all calls to ColdFISH.
Personally, I like option 1, but I don't know what Jason's intent was for ColdFish. His documentation doesn't seem to address instantiation and persistence of the component. I have filed bug reports with both riaforge projects so hopefully one or the other will add a fix into their next version. For your perverse viewing pleasure, I have included a rather large block of code from the ColdBox framework below. Refresh this page a few times very quickly and scroll through the code paying close attention the line numbers (which will probably be very much out of order). There's also a good chance anyone else hitting an entirely different entry on my site at the same time as you is probably getting a really jacked up code sample to. :)
Copyright 2005-2008 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp | |

Author     :	Luis Majano
Date        :	10/10/2007
Description :
	This is the base component used to provide Application.cfc support.
<cfcomponent name="coldbox" hint="This is the base component used to provide Application.cfc support" output="false">

<!------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR ------------------------------------------->

	<!--- Constructor --->
	<cfparam name="variables.COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE" 	default="" type="string">
	<cfparam name="variables.COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH" default="#getDirectoryFromPath(getbaseTemplatePath())#" type="string">
		instance = structnew();
		//Set the timeout
		//Set the app hash
		//Set the Root

<!------------------------------------------- PUBLIC ------------------------------------------->

	<!--- Init --->
	<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="coldbox" hint="Used when not using inheritance" output="false" >
		<cfargument name="COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE" 	 required="true" type="string" hint="The coldbox config file from the application.cfc">
		<cfargument name="COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH" required="true" type="string" hint="The coldbox app root path from the application.cfc">
			/* Set vars for two main locations */
			return this;

	<!--- Load ColdBox --->
	<cffunction name="loadColdbox" access="public" returntype="void" hint="Load the framework" output="false" >
		<!--- Clean up If Necessary --->
		<cfif structkeyExists(application,"cbController")>
			<cfset structDelete(application,"cbController")>
		<!--- Create Brand New Controller --->
		<cfset application.cbController = CreateObject("component","coldbox.system.controller").init(COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH)>
		<!--- Setup the Framework And Application --->
		<cfset application.cbController.getLoaderService().setupCalls(COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE)>
	<!--- Reload Checks --->
	<cffunction name="reloadChecks" access="public" returntype="void" hint="Reload checks and reload settings." output="false" >
		<cfset var ExceptionService = "">
		<cfset var ExceptionBean = "">
		<!--- Initialize the Controller If Needed--->
		<cfif not structkeyExists(application,"cbController") or not application.cbController.getColdboxInitiated() or isfwReinit()>
			<cflock type="exclusive" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
				<cfif not structkeyExists(application,"cbController") or not application.cbController.getColdboxInitiated() or isfwReinit()>
					<cfset loadColdBox()>
					<cfset application.cbController.getPlugin("logger").logEntry("information", "Application #application.cbController.getSetting('AppName')# Reinitialized", "")>
					<cfset application.cbController.getPlugin("MessageBox").setMessage("info","Application #application.cbController.getSetting('AppName')# Reinitialized on server #server.hostName#")>
				<!--- AutoReload Tests --->
				<cfif application.cbController.getSetting("ConfigAutoReload")>
					<cflock type="exclusive" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
						<cfset application.cbController.setAppStartHandlerFired(false)>
						<cfset application.cbController.getLoaderService().setupCalls(COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE)>
					<!--- Handler's Index Auto Reload --->
					<cfif application.cbController.getSetting("HandlersIndexAutoReload")>
						<cflock type="exclusive" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
							<cfset application.cbController.getHandlerService().registerHandlers()>
					<!--- IOC Framework Reload --->
					<cfif application.cbController.getSetting("IOCFrameworkReload")>
						<cflock type="exclusive" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
							<cfset application.cbController.getPlugin("ioc").configure()>
				<!--- Trap Framework Errors --->
				<cfcatch type="any">
					<cfset ExceptionService = application.cbController.getExceptionService()>
					<cfset ExceptionBean = ExceptionService.ExceptionHandler(cfcatch,"framework","Framework Initialization/Configuration Exception")>
	<!--- Process A ColdBox Request --->
	<cffunction name="processColdBoxRequest" access="public" returntype="void" hint="Process a Coldbox Request" output="true" >
		<cfset var cbController = 0>
		<cfset var Event = 0>
		<cfset var ExceptionService = 0>
		<cfset var ExceptionBean = 0>
		<cfset var renderedContent = "">
		<cfset var eventCacheEntry = 0>
		<cfset var interceptorData = structnew()>
		<!--- Start Application Requests --->
		<cflock type="readonly" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
				<!--- set request time --->
				<cfset request.fwExecTime = getTickCount()>
				<!--- Local Reference --->
				<cfset cbController = application.cbController>
				<!--- Create Request Context & Capture Request --->
				<cfset Event = cbController.getRequestService().requestCapture()>
				<!--- Debugging Monitors & Commands Check --->
				<cfif cbController.getDebuggerService().getDebugMode()>
					<!--- Commands Check --->
					<cfset coldboxCommands(cbController,event)>
					<!--- Which panel to render --->
					<cfif event.getValue("debugPanel","") eq "cache">
					<cfelseif event.getValue("debugPanel","") eq "cacheviewer">
					<cfelseif event.getValue("debugPanel","") eq "profiler">
				<!--- Application Start Handler --->
				<cfif cbController.getSetting("ApplicationStartHandler") neq "" and (not cbController.getAppStartHandlerFired())>
					<cfset cbController.runEvent(cbController.getSetting("ApplicationStartHandler"),true)>
					<cfset cbController.setAppStartHandlerFired(true)>
				<!--- Execute preProcess Interception --->
				<cfset cbController.getInterceptorService().processState("preProcess")>
				<!--- IF Found in config, run onRequestStart Handler --->
				<cfif cbController.getSetting("RequestStartHandler") neq "">
					<cfset cbController.runEvent(cbController.getSetting("RequestStartHandler"),true)>
				<!--- Before Any Execution, do we have cached content to deliver --->
				<cfif Event.isEventCacheable() and cbController.getColdboxOCM().lookup(Event.getEventCacheableEntry())>
					<cfset renderedContent = cbController.getColdboxOCM().get(Event.getEventCacheableEntry())>
					<!--- Run Default/Set Event --->
					<cfset cbController.runEvent(default=true)>
					<!--- No Render Test --->
					<cfif not event.isNoRender()>
						<!--- Check for Marshalling and data render --->
						<cfif isStruct(event.getRenderData()) and not structisEmpty(event.getRenderData())>
							<cfset renderedContent = cbController.getPlugin("Utilities").marshallData(argumentCollection=event.getRenderData())>
							<!--- Render Layout/View pair via set variable to eliminate whitespace--->
							<cfset renderedContent = cbController.getPlugin("renderer").renderLayout()>
						<!--- PreRender Data:--->
						<cfset interceptorData.renderedContent = renderedContent>
						<!--- Execute preRender Interception --->
						<cfset cbController.getInterceptorService().processState("preRender",interceptorData)>
						<!--- Check if caching the content --->
						<cfif event.isEventCacheable()>
							<cfset eventCacheEntry = Event.getEventCacheableEntry()>
							<!--- Cache the content of the event --->
							<cfset cbController.getColdboxOCM().set(eventCacheEntry.cacheKey,
						<!--- Render Content Type if using Render Data --->
						<cfif isStruct(event.getRenderData()) and not structisEmpty(event.getRenderData())>
							<!--- Render the Data Content Type --->
							<cfcontent type="#event.getRenderData().contentType#" reset="true">
							<!--- Remove panels --->
							<cfsetting showdebugoutput="false">
							<cfset event.showDebugPanel(false)>
						<!--- Render the Content --->
						<!--- Execute postRender Interception --->
						<cfset cbController.getInterceptorService().processState("postRender")>
					<!--- If Found in config, run onRequestEnd Handler --->
					<cfif cbController.getSetting("RequestEndHandler") neq "">
						<cfset cbController.runEvent(cbController.getSetting("RequestEndHandler"),true)>
					<!--- Execute postProcess Interception --->
					<cfset cbController.getInterceptorService().processState("postProcess")>
				<!--- End else if not cached event --->
				<!--- Trap Application Errors --->
				<cfcatch type="any">
					<!--- Get Exception Service --->
					<cfset ExceptionService = cbController.getExceptionService()>
					<!--- Intercept The Exception --->
					<cfset interceptorData = structnew()>
					<cfset interceptorData.exception = cfcatch>
					<cfset cbController.getInterceptorService().processState("onException",interceptorData)>
					<!--- Handle The Exception --->
					<cfset ExceptionBean = ExceptionService.ExceptionHandler(cfcatch,"application","Application Execution Exception")>
					<!--- Render The Exception --->
			<!--- DebugMode Routines --->
			<cfif cbController.getDebuggerService().getDebugMode()>
				<!--- Request Profilers --->
				<cfif cbController.getDebuggerService().getDebuggerConfigBean().getPersistentRequestProfiler() and
					<cfset cbController.getDebuggerService().pushProfiler(request.DebugTimers)>
				<!--- Render DebugPanel --->
				<cfif Event.getdebugpanelFlag()>
					<!--- Time the request --->
					<cfset request.fwExecTime = GetTickCount() - request.fwExecTime>
					<!--- Render Debug Log --->
	<!--- Session Start --->
	<cffunction name="onSessionStart" returnType="void" output="false" hint="An onSessionStart method to use or call from your Application.cfc">
		<cfset var cbController = "">
		<cflock type="readonly" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
			//Setup the local controller 
			cbController = application.cbController;
			//Execute Session Start interceptors
			//Execute Session Start Handler
			if ( cbController.getSetting("SessionStartHandler") neq "" ){
	<!--- Session End --->
	<cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returnType="void" output="false" hint="An onSessionEnd method to use or call from your Application.cfc">
		<!--- ************************************************************* --->
		<cfargument name="sessionScope" type="struct" required="true">
		<cfargument name="appScope" 	type="struct" required="false">
		<!--- ************************************************************* --->
		<cfset var cbController = "">
		<cfset var event = "">
		<cflock type="readonly" name="#getAppHash()#" timeout="#getLockTimeout()#" throwontimeout="true">
			//Check for cb Controller
			if ( structKeyExists(arguments.appScope,"cbController") ){
				//setup the controller
				cbController = arguments.appScope.cbController;
				event = cbController.getRequestService().getContext();
				//Execute Session End interceptors
				//Execute Session End Handler
				if ( cbController.getSetting("SessionEndHandler") neq "" ){
					//Place session reference on event object
					event.setValue("sessionReference", arguments.sessionScope);
					//Place app reference on event object
					event.setValue("applicationReference", arguments.appScope);
					//Execute the Handler

	<!--- setter COLDBOX CONFIG FILE --->
	<cffunction name="setCOLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE" access="public" output="false" returntype="void" hint="Set COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE">
		<cfargument name="COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE" type="string" required="true"/>
		<cfset variables.COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE = arguments.COLDBOX_CONFIG_FILE/>
	<!--- setter COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH --->
	<cffunction name="setCOLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH" access="public" output="false" returntype="void" hint="Set COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH">
		<cfargument name="COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH" type="string" required="true"/>
		<cfset variables.COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH = arguments.COLDBOX_APP_ROOT_PATH/>
	<!--- FW needs reinit --->
	<cffunction name="isfwReinit" access="public" returntype="boolean" hint="Verify if we need to reboot the framework" output="false" >
		<cfset var reinitPass = "">
		<cfset var incomingPass = "">
		<!--- CF Parm Structures just in case. --->
		<cfparam name="FORM" default="#StructNew()#">
		<cfparam name="URL"	 default="#StructNew()#">
			/* Check if we have a reinit password at hand. */
			if ( application.cbController.settingExists("ReinitPassword") ){
				reinitPass = application.cbController.getSetting("ReinitPassword");
			/* Verify the reinit key is passed */
			if ( structKeyExists(url,"fwreinit") or structKeyExists(form,"fwreinit") ){
				/* pass Checks */
				if ( reinitPass eq "" ){
					return true;
					/* Get the incoming pass from form or url */
					if( structKeyExists(form,"fwreinit") ){
						incomingPass = form.fwreinit;
						incomingPass = url.fwreinit;
					/* Compare the passwords */
					if( Compare(reinitPass, incomingPass) eq 0 ){
						return true;
						return false;
				}//end if reinitpass neq ""
			}//else if reinit found.
				return false;
<!------------------------------------------- PRIVATE ------------------------------------------->	
	<!--- coldboxCommands --->
	<cffunction name="coldboxCommands" output="false" access="private" returntype="void" hint="Execute some coldbox commands">
		<cfargument name="cbController" type="any" required="true" default="" hint="The cb Controller"/>
		<cfargument name="event" 		type="any" required="true" hint="An event context object"/>
		<cfset var command = event.getTrimValue("cbox_command","")>
			/* Verify it */
			if( len(command) eq 0 ){ return; }
			/* Commands */
				case "expirecache" : {cbController.getColdboxOCM().expireAll();break;}
				case "delcacheentry" : {cbController.getColdboxOCM().clearKey(event.getValue('cbox_cacheentry',""));break;}
				case "clearallevents" : {cbController.getColdboxOCM().clearAllEvents();break;}
				case "clearallviews" : {cbController.getColdboxOCM().clearAllViews();break;}
				default: break;
		<!--- Relocate --->
		<cfif event.getValue("debugPanel","") eq "">
			<cflocation url="index.cfm" addtoken="false">
			<cflocation url="index.cfm?debugpanel=#event.getValue('debugPanel','')#" addtoken="false">
	<!--- Getter setter lock timeout --->
	<cffunction name="getLockTimeout" access="private" output="false" returntype="numeric" hint="Get LockTimeout">
		<cfreturn instance.LockTimeout/>
	<cffunction name="setLockTimeout" access="private" output="false" returntype="void" hint="Set LockTimeout">
		<cfargument name="LockTimeout" type="numeric" required="true"/>
		<cfset instance.LockTimeout = arguments.LockTimeout/>
	<!--- AppHash --->
	<cffunction name="getAppHash" access="private" output="false" returntype="string" hint="Get AppHash">
		<cfreturn instance.AppHash/>
	<cffunction name="setAppHash" access="private" output="false" returntype="void" hint="Set AppHash">
		<cfargument name="AppHash" type="string" required="true"/>
		<cfset instance.AppHash = arguments.AppHash/>



Comments are currently closed

marc esher

Hey Brad, Looking at this code, there ain't a damn thing singleton-safe about it. I agree that your choice #1 is ideal, but that would require a substantial rewrite. I think #2 is the most realistic approach, and Jason should add a big old warning into this component about not using it the way BlogCFC uses it.

Good bug, and a great example of why blindly dropping components into the Application scope is a baaaaad thing.

Jason Delmore

I wrote coldfish to be a transient object, but with this and the other requests that came in I decided to do a significant update. I have rewritten coldfish.cfc to be a thread-safe component that can be persisted, and I have written separate components that are spawned for handling formatting and configuration management. I tossed in caching of formatted strings while I was at it (if you're going to persist the object there may as well be some benefit to having it be persisted.) It needs a bit more spit and polish before I release the next version, but it should be a nice update. Coming soon...


Brad Wood

That's awesome, Jason! Thanks for the update. I really like caching idea.

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